March Thoughts for Self-Care

March Thoughts for Self-Care

Can you believe it is almost March? In January we may have set some New Year's Resolutions. February was filled with Black History Month, The Super Bowl, Valentine's Day, President's Day, and for some of us, snow and ice. Now that it is March, maybe it is time to re-visit those resolutions. Maybe you want to work on self-care and started off the year with some great ideas on how to incorporate it into your everyday busy life. Then, if you are like me, it is almost March and realize, you lost sight of that goal and are feeling stressed. March can be your time to reset and renew your goals. I found this blog post from 2019 with "31 Self-Care Ideas for March." What I like about this list, each one looks to be easy to do. I think I'll put these on my calendar for March as motivation!  

31 Self-Care Ideas for March. January felt like 3 months and February… | by Christina Vanvuren | Medium


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